D20A Doliosis MASTIC Liquid Complex
Useful for symptoms of mastitis
Useful for the symptoms of breast pain, swelling, warmth, redness, fever and chills associated with mastitis.
Apis Mellifica 6x 0.06 %
Barium Chloride 6x 0.08 %
Belladonna 6x 0.06 %
Calcarea Iodatum 8x 0.08 %
Hepar Sulphuris 12x 0.06 %
Kali Bichromicum 6x 0.08 %
Mercurius Corrosivus 8x 0.08 %
Phytolacca Decandra 6x 0.06 %
Extra Neutral Alcohol 30 % v/v
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