D53 A
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D53 A Doliosis BACTER Liquid Complex


Useful for symptoms of generalized bacterial infections


Useful for the symptoms of persistent fever, difficult breathing, frequent breathing and sometimes blood in urine as seen with bacterial infections.

Botulinum 30 x 0.06 %
E Coli 30 x 0.06 %
Glandula Thyme 30x 0.06 %
Hydrastis Canadensis 30 x 0.06 %
Pneumococcinum 30 x 0.06 %
Proteus Vulgaris 30 x 0.06 %
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 30x 0.06 %
Salmonella 30x 0.06 %
Scarlatina 30 x 0.06 %
Staphylococcinum 30 x 0.06 %
Streptococcinum 30 x 0.06 %
Tuberculinum 30 x 0.06 %160
Extra Neutral Alcohol 30 % v/v


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