Helps to relieve symptoms of prostate swelling and discomfort with frequent urination.
Causticum Reference: Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic
Pharmacopoeia, Vol I, Page No. 308 12x 0.02 %
Aesculus Hippocastanum Reference: Encyclopaedia of
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, Vol I, Page No. 57 8x 0.02 %
Selenium Reference: Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic
Pharmacopoeia, Vol I, Page No. 817 10x 0.02 %
Kali Lodatum Reference: Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic
Pharmacopoeia, Vol I, Page No. 561 10x 0.02 %
Cantharis Reference: Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic
Pharmacopoeia, Vol I, Page No. 290 8x 0.02 %
Alcohol 30 % v/v
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